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Protect’s innovation for the planet


The solid wood flooring for a decarbonized building

The unique biobased solid wood flooring with a neutral carbon footsprint

Removable, reusable, repurposable

Fast and easy installation

naofloor solid wood flooring, environmentally friendly

The solid parquet’s revolutionary innovation

Easier to install than laminate!

Installing Naofloor is quick and easy

Fast and easy floating installation without chemicals products

Naofloor solid wood flooring can be dismantled, reused and re-employed.

Removable, reusable and repurposable

Naofloor can be moved from one building to another

Movable from building to building for several hundred years

The 1st carbon-neutral biosourced floor covering

The unique biobased solid wood flooring with a neutral carbon footprint

The cost of installing Naofloor is reduced

Very low installation costs, no glue and great speed of installation

Naofloor is made from solid French oak.

French oak, 100% PEFC certified. “Origine France Garantie” and “Bois de France” labeled

Act for the planet

Naofloor takes action against climate change

Choosing Naofloor, means:

  • Environmental, sustainable and eco-citizen purchase
  • Secure the forest preservation instead to compensate it
  • A clear use and value according with the real product lifetime
  • An answer for the building decarbonization and the waste reduction following french law (AGEC law, RE 2020...)

Naofloor is the first solid wood parquet promoting the actual environnemental qualities of wood and acts against global warming.

The Naofloor process
Naofloor parquet has a direct impact on forest conservation


cutted logs needed for the same solid wood floor surface

Naofloor captures more C02


de forest CO2 captured

Carbon remains stored 3X longer in the product

Carbon storaged


within the produit

Much more than a wooden floor

Removable, reusable, repurposable

  • It can be reused several times during its lifetime (for several hundred years)
  • A long-term investment for you and your children heritage
  • To move out? You can keep your woodflooring with you!
  • Easy to repair. If a Naofloor plank is damaged, you can remove and replace it
  • Repurposable, you can reemployed it to others types of wood products!
Removable, reusable and reusable solid wood flooring from naofloor

System globally patented and validated by the FCBA

Patented assembly system

Assembly system patent


The patented Naofloor solid wood flooring assembly system
An assessment validated by the FCBA in accordance with NF DTU 51.11.

System validated by French technical center FCBA (DT PARQ 002 technical document).
Installation according to NF DTU 51.11 specifications

Naofloor is guaranteed for life

* See commercial warranty contract on request

Discover Naofloor in detail

Download our brochure

The blockmoove assembly system

french manufacturer

Origine France Garantie logo
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes logo
The Bois de France label logo
Logo of the community of companies committed to the ecological transition
Une branche de lierre

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(or by phone on +33 2 48 60 66 07)

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